I will carefully analyze the text and answer the questions in detail. Here are the solutions:
1. **Put in a or an.**
1. an address
2. a student
3. an English student
4. a university student
5. a bus
6. an old woman
7. a house
8. an hour's lesson
9. a one-pound coin
2. **How many countable and uncountable nouns can you find in these advertisements?**
- Countable: diamond, holiday, shop
- Uncountable: coffee, music, information, love
3. **Put in a, an, the, or nothing (-).**
1. My sister lives in a big flat.
2. Where’s the phone? In the kitchen.
3. My brother has got a loud voice.
4. Most people like - animals.
5. Do you play - tennis?
6. The music’s too loud – please turn it down.
7. Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?
8. My brother is a doctor.
9. Andy works at the Apollo Theatre.
10. The River Rhone runs into the Mediterranean Sea.
11. All our furniture is made of - wood.
4. **Put in a, an, the, or nothing (-).**
In 1969, in a town in Portland, Oregon, a man went to rob a bank. He didn’t want - people in the bank to know what was happening, so he walked up to one of the cashiers, wrote on a piece of paper “This is a robbery and I’ve got a gun,” and showed this paper to the cashier. Then he wrote “Take all the money out of your drawer and put it in a paper bag.” The cashier read this message, wrote a note on the paper “I haven’t got a paper bag” and gave the paper back to the robber. The robber ran out of the bank.