1. Вопросительная: Will he be in Moscow tomorrow? Отрицательная: He will not (won't) be in Moscow tomorrow. 2. Вопросительная: Will you be at home at the weekend? Отрицательная: You will not (won't) be at home at the weekend. 3. Вопросительная: Will they be glad to see me? Отрицательная: They will not (won't) be glad to see me. 4. Вопросительная: Will my friends be at the theatre too? Отрицательная: My friends will not (won't) be at the theatre too. 5. Вопросительная: Will my children be at school till 3 pm? Отрицательная: My children will not (won't) be at school till 3 pm. 6. Вопросительная: Will Mary be surprised? Отрицательная: Mary will not (won't) be surprised. 7. Вопросительная: Will Kate be ready to go in ten minutes? Отрицательная: Kate will not (won't) be ready to go in ten minutes.