1. Have you ever been to Norway? Yes, I went there on business last year. 2. Did you miss a lecture recently? I missed one a week ago. 3. Success did not spoil her. She became simply more sure of herself. 4. I have had a video for some years but I have not managed to learn the instructions. 5. We have not had fun for a long time. We had our last party a month ago. 6. How long has Lucy had problems with her back? It first started last year. 7. We have been engaged since we left high school. 8. Have you always had a dog? I have had it for the last six years. 9. Guess what I decided to do! I can't guess. What? I decided to start my own business. 10. When did you decide to do it? I thought about it just now. 11. It has not rained here for a very long time. 12. Yesterday all your troubles seemed so far away. Today the thieves took your car away!