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Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. 0 I was tidying (tidy) my room when I found my keys. 1 While they ________ (climb) the mountain, they had a bad accident. 2 What were you watching on TV when I ________ (call) you? 3 We ________ (put) on our coats when it started to snow. 4 While mum was waiting for the bus, she ________ (see) her best friend. 5 I ________ (not sleep) when Dad arrived home from the airport.


1. While they were climbing the mountain, they had a bad accident. 2. What were you watching on TV when I called you? 3. We put on our coats when it started to snow. 4. While mum was waiting for the bus, she saw her best friend. 5. I was not sleeping when Dad arrived home from the airport.
