1.404 - i) I have no idea; 2.AFAIK - r) As far as I know; 3.ASAP - f) As soon as possible; 4.B4N - x) Bye for now; 5.BTW - g) By the way; 6.CRBT - t) Crying real big tears; 7.CU - e) See you; 8.FYI - h) For your information; 9.G2G - d) Got to go; 10.GAL - j) Get a life; 11.JK - c) Just kidding; 12.H&K - p) Hug and kiss; 13.IMHO - u) In my humble opinion; 14.KWIM? - k) Know what I mean?; 15.LOL - b) Laugh(ing) out loud; 16.LU - r) Love you; 17.MUSM - n) Miss you so much; 18.PIBKAC - l) Problem is between keyboard and chair; 19.PITN - w) Pain in the neck; 20.POS - o) Parent over shoulder (change the topic); 21.TGIF - m) Thank God it’s Friday; 22.THX - a) Thanks; 23.WUF? - q) Where are you from?; 24.XOXO - s) Hugs and kisses.