Я ходил за покупками вчера.
Перевод: I went shopping yesterday.
Отрицательное: I didn't go shopping yesterday.
Вопросительное: Did I go shopping yesterday?
Они гуляли в парке в субботу.
Перевод: They walked in the park on Saturday.
Отрицательное: They didn't walk in the park on Saturday.
Вопросительное: Did they walk in the park on Saturday?
Дети навещали бабушку на прошлой неделе.
Перевод: The children visited their grandmother last week.
Отрицательное: The children didn't visit their grandmother last week.
Вопросительное: Did the children visit their grandmother last week?
Мы видели этот фильм в прошлом году.
Перевод: We saw this film last year.
Отрицательное: We didn't see this film last year.
Вопросительное: Did we see this film last year?