
Read the theory. Then write sentences from prompts 1-9 in The Passive. Which sentences do not omit the agent and why?


Ok, let's transform the sentences into the passive voice, paying attention to when we need to include the agent (the person or thing performing the action). Remember, we only include the agent if it's important or specific. 1. The painting/not put up yet * **Passive:** The painting hasn't been put up yet. * In this case, it's not important who put up the painting, so we omit the agent. 2. the old house/renovate/when fire broke out * **Passive:** The old house was renovated when a fire broke out. * Here, 'by someone' is possible, but the renovation event is connected to the fire event and we don't really care who renovated it, so we omit the agent. 3. the building/finish/next month * **Passive:** The building will be finished next month. * It's not essential who will finish the building, so we omit the agent. 4. all the concert tickets/already/sell * **Passive:** All the concert tickets have already been sold. * We don't need to say *by whom* the tickets were sold; the action is the focus, so the agent is omitted. 5. 'Starry Night'/paint/Van Gogh * **Passive:** 'Starry Night' was painted by Van Gogh. * Here, it *is* important who painted it. Van Gogh is a famous artist, and knowing he painted it is essential information. 6. this bread/freshly bake/this morning * **Passive:** This bread was freshly baked this morning. * It's generally not necessary to know *who* baked the bread, so we omit the agent. 7. a children's playground/build/in the park now * **Passive:** A children's playground is being built in the park now. * We don't usually specify *who* is building the playground in general situations, so omit the agent. 8. photography/not allow/in the museum * **Passive:** Photography is not allowed in the museum. * It is usually implied *by the rules* that photography is disallowed, so we omit the agent. 9. the Colosseum/build/by Vespasian in 70-80 AD. * **Passive:** The Colosseum was built by Vespasian in 70-80 AD. * Here, we *do* include the agent because Vespasian is a specific and important historical figure connected to the building of the Colosseum.
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