Решение предоставлено для каждого из заданий:
1. Match the words on the left with the words on the right (соедините слова слева со словами справа):
a) 2 (system - operating system)
b) 1 (memory - ROM)
c) 4 (hard - drive)
d) 6 (software - key software)
e) 5 (anti-virus - program)
2. Complete the sentences:
"Key board"; "Mouse"; "Log in"; "Copy".
3. Test your knowledge:
Иконка 1 - "Open a new document"; Иконка 2 - "Save"; Иконка 3 - "Copy".
4. Complete the definitions:
1) "System software"; 2) "Data"; 3) "Memory stick"; 4) "Password".
5. Complete the dialogues:
1) B: "Press escape key."; 2) B: "At the end of every day."; 3) B: "Yes, I do."; 4) B: "No, I don't understand any."; 5) B: "Just delete the file."; 6) B: "Well, it should be OK."