Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

Задание 6 (замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в именительном или объектном падеже): 1. The vase is on the table. 2. Mother often sends Ben to buy milk. 3. Are Bess and Helen ready to do the work? 4. Nick and Ben spend their holidays at the seaside. 5. The man is in the park. 6. The managers are not at work now. 7. Helen and I are good friends. 8. Is Ben at the lesson now? 9. Where is the calculator? 10. The newspapers are on the table. 11. The child is in the garden with his mother. 12. Our parents are always glad to see us. 13. My brother and I are good football players. 14. Bess knows Ben. 15. I see the picture very well. 16. The students have lectures every day. 17. The boy plays football every Sunday. 18. The teacher asks the students. 19. The students write tests every week. 20. Look at the picture! 21. I have the book at home. 22. Max wants to speak to Helen.


1. It is on the table. 2. Mother often sends him to buy milk. 3. Are they ready to do the work? 4. They spend their holidays at the seaside. 5. He is in the park. 6. They are not at work now. 7. We are good friends. 8. Is he at the lesson now? 9. Where is it? 10. They are on the table. 11. He is in the garden with his mother. 12. They are always glad to see us. 13. We are good football players. 14. She knows him. 15. I see it very well. 16. They have lectures every day. 17. He plays football every Sunday. 18. The teacher asks them. 19. They write tests every week. 20. Look at it! 21. I have it at home. 22. He wants to speak to her.
