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2. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative /superlative form of the adjectives/ adverbs in brackets: 1) Everest is _________ (high) mountain in the world. 2) Your car is now _________ (good) than it was last year. 3) Which building is _________ (high) in London? 4) Today the weather is _________ (cold) than it was yesterday. 5) My friend is _________ (curious) girl in our school. 6) Batman's character is _________ (serious) and thoughtful than in other character portrayals. 7) Some people even think that Batman and Robin is _________ (bad) superhero film ever made. 8) I believe that U2 is _________ (talented) than Britney because they are more about the music. 9) This is by far _________ (strange) painting in the gallery! 10) The _________ (much) pupils said, the _________ (angry) the teacher felt.


1) Everest is **the highest** mountain in the world. 2) Your car is now **better** than it was last year. 3) Which building is **the highest** in London? 4) Today the weather is **colder** than it was yesterday. 5) My friend is **the most curious** girl in our school. 6) Batman's character is **more serious** and thoughtful than in other character portrayals. 7) Some people even think that Batman and Robin is **the worst** superhero film ever made. 8) I believe that U2 is **more talented** than Britney because they are more about the music. 9) This is by far **the strangest** painting in the gallery! 10) The **more** pupils said, the **angrier** the teacher felt. **Объяснение:** * **the highest** (самый высокий) - превосходная степень, используется, когда сравнивается с остальными в мире. * **better** (лучше) - сравнительная степень от good. * **the highest** (самое высокое) - превосходная степень, используется, когда сравнивается со всеми зданиями в Лондоне. * **colder** (холоднее) - сравнительная степень от cold. * **the most curious** (самая любопытная) - превосходная степень, используется для описания уникальной характеристики подруги. * **more serious** (более серьезный) - сравнительная степень, используется для сравнения двух персонажей. * **the worst** (самый плохой) - превосходная степень от bad. * **more talented** (более талантливые) - сравнительная степень, используется для сравнения двух групп. * **the strangest** (самая странная) - превосходная степень от strange. * **more, angrier** - показывает зависимость между двумя переменными.
