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4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: He is popular _________ fans of art cinema. Sergei Dontsov, who stars _________ the film, plays a stranger journeying through the halls of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold _________ auction last month. Mozart is one of the best composers _________ all time.


He is popular **with** fans of art cinema. Sergei Dontsov, who stars **in** the film, plays a stranger journeying through the halls of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold **at** auction last month. Mozart is one of the best composers **of** all time. **Объяснение:** * **with** - указывает на то, что он популярен среди фанатов. * **in** - используется для указания на роль в фильме. * **at** - используется для указания на место продажи на аукционе. * **of** - используется для указания на принадлежность к лучшим композиторам.
