Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

Задание 9: Дай краткий ответ по образцу. Образец: Is there a fridge in the kitchen? (✔) - Yes, there is. Are there toys on the bed? (X) - No, there aren't. 1. Is there a cooker in the living room? (X) 2. Is there a cupboard in the kitchen? (√) 3. Are there pens in the pencil case? (X) 4. Are there eggs in the fridge? (✔)


1. Is there a cooker in the living room? (X) - No, there isn't. 2. Is there a cupboard in the kitchen? (√) - Yes, there is. 3. Are there pens in the pencil case? (X) - No, there aren't. 4. Are there eggs in the fridge? (✔) - Yes, there are.
