Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

Задание 8: Переспроси, выразив удивление. Образец: There is a pencil in the lunch box, - Is there a pencil in the lunch box? There are chairs under the sofa. - Are there chairs under the sofa? 1. There are candles in front of the computer. 2. There is a frog in the school bag. 3. There is a bed in the kitchen. 4. There are sofas in the bathroom. 5. There are vegetables in the cupboard. 6. There is a mirror behind the cooker. 7. There is a toy in the lunch box.


1. There are candles in front of the computer. - Are there candles in front of the computer? 2. There is a frog in the school bag. - Is there a frog in the school bag? 3. There is a bed in the kitchen. - Is there a bed in the kitchen? 4. There are sofas in the bathroom. - Are there sofas in the bathroom? 5. There are vegetables in the cupboard. - Are there vegetables in the cupboard? 6. There is a mirror behind the cooker. - Is there a mirror behind the cooker? 7. There is a toy in the lunch box. - Is there a toy in the lunch box?
